terça-feira, junho 15, 2010

App online (Detalhado)

Olá gente!
O post de hoje é sobre o app online. Ou melhor.. O post de hoje É o app online. Eu tinha copiado todas as perguntas para poder responder com calma (no word e afins) e depois transferir as respostas pra lá (para o site). É recomendável fazer isso para que você não fique naquela de entrar no site, começar a responder e notar que falta alguma coisa.. Daí você sai do site.. Elabora a resposta ou vai atrás da mesma e dias depois volta no site..
É claro que não precisa anotar todas né, mas, por exemplo, é bom lembrar que você precisa ir atrás do telefone do colégio em que você estudou e do número do seu passaporte, antes de se sentar calma e concentradamente na frente do pc pra responder o application  ;)
Dessa maneira, esse post servirá para as meninas que ainda não estão com o app disponível para responder (ou seja, as que não se inscreveram ainda ou as que se inscreveram mas não tiveram ainda acesso por não ter feito o teste, por exemplo). Ah, e também para as meninas de outras agências que se interessarem em saber como são as perguntas da APC.
Eu ia fazer observações em cada pergunta mas notei que não há condições para isso porque a maioria é bem óbvia e não necessita de nenhum comentário. Mas depois (posts futuros) pretendo comentar algumas perguntas específicas.. =)
Então vamos lá! (O app já é longo demais, não posso ficar aqui de bate-papo! =p )
Eis o app:


1. Birth date:                                            
2. First available arrival date:

3. Experience caring for children of these ages:
4. Comfortable caring for children of these ages:
5. Please indicate below the type of childcare skills you have had:


6. Experience with children 0-24 months old:

    Bottle feeding                           Spoon feeding
    Burping                                     Changing diapers (nappies)
    Meals preparation                   Bathing
    Playing with children              Putting children to bed
    Potty training                           Supervising at play/swimming
7. Other experience:     
    Camp Counselor

8. If yes, please describe your Twins/Triplets experience:
9. Please indicate the specialized skills you have as they relate to childcare: 
    First aid / lifesaving
    Nurses training
    Life Guarding
    Newborn classes
    Child development classes
    Teaching/Tutoring experience

10. If yes, please describe your Teaching/Tutoring experience:  
11. Please describe your experience with household duties (cooking, cleaning, etc.):
12. Are you willing to care for children with special needs?
13. Childcare experience:

14. When did you complete high school?
15. What level of education have you completed:
16. Please describe any other work experience you have had (besides caring for children):


17. Occupation mother and father:
18. Are you a part of a large family?
19. Do you have any sisters?
20. What are their ages?
21. Do you have any brothers?
22. Please describe your family: 


23. Do you have a valid drivers license?
24. What year did you begin to drive an automobile?
25. What date was your first drivers license issued?
26. When does your drivers license expire?
27. How often do you drive?
28. Would you feel comfortable driving in snow?
29. Have you ever driven in snow?
30. What kind of roads do you usually drive on?
31. Is your driving experience with a car with?
32. Are you willing to drive in the us as an au pair?


33. Can you swim? If yes, how well?
34. What is your religious affiliation?
35. What is your level of participation?
36. Do you follow a special diet?
37. Are you willing to live in a household with (check all that apply):   
  Dog       Cat         Bird         I am not willing to live with pets.
38. Do you play a musical instrument?
39. Do you play sports?
40. If yes what sports?
41. Do you play winter sports? If 'yes' what winter sport(s)?   
42. Do you enjoy making art and craft projects?  If 'yes' what types of projects?
43. Please tell us about your other hobbies and interests:   
44. Native Language:     
45. What other languages besides English, do you speak fluently?:   
46. Please indicate how well each of the following statements describe you.
       (There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, so please select the answer that best describes you.)
                                                                        Not at All          Somewhat           Very Much   
I do things according to a plan.     
I love to help others.     
I enjoying having time for myself each day.     
I seek adventure.     
I usually wait for others to lead the way.     
I can handle a lot of information.     
I love order and regularity.     
I enjoy meeting with people on social occasions.     
My personal religious beliefs are important to me.     
I like to laugh.     
I care a lot about keeping active and busy.     
Nutrition and exercise are important to me.     
47. Imagine your friend had to choose four words from the list below to describe you.

     Good listener                           Caring                                 Outgoing                         
    Creative                                    Ambitious                          Generous  
    Modest                                   Intelligent                           Passionate       
    Optimistic                                 Loyal                                   Happy                           
    Hard working                           Energetic                            Respectful                        
    Physically fit                           Easy going                          Spiritual  
    Quiet                                         Funny                                   Thoughtful            
  Affectionate                            Dependable 


48. Why should a family choose you as their au pair?
49. Do you have any special talents or skills that would be useful when caring for children?
50. Have you ever lived away from home or traveled for an extended period of time? Where? How long?
51. Have you ever been to the United States before?
52. When you return to your home country at the end of the program, what do you plan to do?
53. What do you like to do in your free time?
54. What activities would you like to do with the children in your host family?


55. Do you suffer from any chronic or recurring health problems, for example asthma, allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, or cold sores? 
56. Do you take any medications? 
57. Have you been hospitalized or in the care of a doctor in the last 12 months? 
58. Have you ever suffered from or received counseling or treatment for a nervous or emotional problem, for example depression or an eating disorder? 
59. Have you ever been the victim of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse? 
60. Do you have any food allergies? 
61. Do you suffer from any allergies to pets? If yes, please indicate


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E hoje tem jogo do Brasil na COPA! =D
Vamos torcer!!! o/


3 comentários:

Pâm disse...

Post super bom e útil!
Nunca tinha visto nenhum parecido!
Com certeza pra quem não fez a inscrição ou tem curiosidade vai ajudar muito!
Eu achei, sinceramente, uma parte do app bem chatinha de responder, pq as vzs tu n consegue se expressar bem cm vc quer... Mas, nada q uma ajudinha de outro alguem não resolva!!!
Beijao :**

Aninha =D disse...

oieeee... amore, parabéns pelo post, super útil!!

e agora é a temida ligação do escritório de San Francisco, né? eu to na mesmaa!!!

vc tá preparada?

mil bjos!

Josy disse...

Oie Adri, boa sorte, to te esperando aqui!!! bjs

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